康海涛 Kang Haitao
遥远的山岭 Distant Mountains, 2017
纸板丙烯,水墨 Acrylic, ink on paperboard
160 × 252 cm
Copyright The Artist
温柔如夜:康海涛的艺术,2022,马克·罗斯科艺术中心,陶格夫匹尔斯,拉脱维亚Tender is the Night: the Art of Kang Haitao, 2022, Daugavpils Mark Rothko Art Center, Latvia
Parallel Cities: Chengdu Biennale Special Exhibition, 2021, LUXEHILLS Art Museum, Chengdu
Kang Haitao, 2017, PIFO Gallery, Beijing
2017, Frieze No.188, June-July-August 2017, p51,Publications
2022,《温柔如夜:康海涛的艺术》,展览画册图版第10图,马克·罗斯科艺术中心,陶格夫匹尔斯,拉脱维亚2022, Tender is the Night: the Art of Kang Haitao, in exhibition catalogue, plates.10, Daugavpils Mark Rothko Art Center, Latvia