The Seventh Exhibition of Abstract Art

6 June - 6 July 2014

The exhibition of abstract art in 2014 focuses on The Moment, The Place. Discussing and presenting abstract art within globalised cultulral background is always an important issue that PIFO devoted. Even though the economy and lifestyle in China has been largely affected by globalisation, however, the interpretation of abstract Chinese art still requires starting from the individual experience of artist, from this moment and this place. Maybe some of the creation came from elsewhere, or finally created a sensation in another place; but This Place is where values can be created. Tracing this thought, the root of abstract art are emphsised through comparison between abstract art in the West and artists chosen by PIFO.


From Towards Post-Abstraction (2008), Where the Spirit Lives (2009), to Mind and Hand in Accord (2013), PIFO’s extraction about the themes of exhibition may provide clues to find the motive power of diverse abstract art, thus indicating a way to find out how it develops in China.