De Bug: The Sixth Minds-in-Hands

18 April - 17 May 2015

“Minds-in-Hands 6th” showcases the 115 works of 44 artists, as usual, makes a public call for works about a specific topic. We have arranged to give initiative to 42 artists who are submitted candidates. After their discussions and communication with us, 39 artists decide to join the show with their feasible art proposals. We also extend our invitations to the 7 artists who had previously participated in our Minds-in-Hands series, and 5 of them confirm that they will join.


Besides, “Minds-in-Hands 6th”,in the spirit of “thinking with hands”, deliberately leaves so-called “debug” as keynote in the scenario of this exhibition that leads to “破|绽:De-Bug” in the title which is in fact a visual report, as well as a field study about  the ecological landscape of contemporary art in China. We expect to share with friends and peers engaging in contemporary art some observations and difference viewed from another angle as the delivery of the show to you. When a kind of “debug” is found and identified, it promises us with the greatest excitement an opportunity to bring certain changes to a given visual representation, an experimental occasion of reviewing any other possibility of contemporary art exhibition mechanism, and a preference of logic thinking to challenge what the art is in real life.