Being composed of paintings, multimedia, sculptures and installations, A+A Exhibition shows the booming development of China’s young artists. Some of them have been well-known, but for some of them, A+A Exhibition is their debut. But every one of them is engaged in the exploration and innovation of accustomed languages. No one would know what the contemporary arts in China will be in the future. But the artists of young generation are writing the art history.


After Pifo’s promotion of four years, now A+A Exhibition has been a platform to full display contemporary new arts. Like previously, A+A Exhibition in this year will continue its exploration and independence, and the purpose of the A+A Exhibition in this year is to reflect the condition of emerging fine contemporary artists. There will be 19 young artists from Beijing, Tianjin, Sichuan, Jiangsu, Hunan, Shanxi and Dongbei taking part in the exhibition which has an impact over a wider area than the previous exhibitions. The theme of this year will be closer to the deep and broad vanguard significance advocated by Pifo. Art works of empty or insincere can never be shown in Pifo. Innovative energy, critical spirit and sincere attitudes are the causes of A + A Exhibition’s development.