Artists: Benjamin Appel / Gillian Ayres / Enrico Bach / Huang Jia / Huang Yuanqing / Kang Haitao / Liu Jian / John McLean / Simon Mullan / Alexandra Roussopoulos / Su Shangzhou / Tan Ping / Wang Chuan / Wang Jian/ Wang Shilong 


PIFO Gallery is pleased to present Decade: Abstract Art 10. Since its founding in 2006, the discovery and exploration of abstract art and the promotion of it within the context of contemporary China, has been the sustaining motivation of the gallery.


Among the artists participating in Decade: Abstract Art 10, many have been part of the PIFO Gallery project for a decade or more, engaging in ongoing research into the logic of abstraction while gradually developing a unique visual grammar. Inspired by the work of the French poet-philosopher Édouard Glissant (1928–2011) PIFO Gallery believes that in the face of homogenizing globalisation a more nuanced approach should be taken to cultural exchange that does not obliterate but instead blends cultures to produce something different, something that can give rise to new ideas and new art forms.


This exhibition is a survey of PIFO Gallery’s explorations over the past decade as well as a marker of a new starting point.