Memory of Light 光的记忆, 2016-2017
Acrylic on paperboard 纸板丙烯
182 x 384 cm
温柔如夜:康海涛的艺术,2022,马克·罗斯科艺术中心,陶格夫匹尔斯,拉脱维亚Tender is the Night: the Art of Kang Haitao, 2022, Daugavpils Mark Rothko Art Center, Latvia
Parallel Cities: Chengdu Biennale Special Exhibition, 2021, LUXEHILLS Art Museum, Chengdu
Affect: Jiang Han Stars Plan 2021-Young Artists Research Exhibition, 2021, Wuhan Art Museum, Wuhan
与历史同行——四川美术学院建校80周年(1940-2020),2020, 四川美术学院美术馆,重庆
Walking with History: Exhibition for the 80th Anniversary of the Building of SCFAI, 2020, Art Museum of Sichuan Fine Arts Institute, Chongqing历史的凝视——再访中国当代艺术,2019,木星美术馆,深圳
THE GAZE OF HISTORY-Contemporary Chinese Art Revisited, 2019, Jupiter Museum of Art, Shenzhen
Kang Haitao, 2017, PIFO Gallery, BeijingLiterature
2021,《书城》杂志,2021年3月号,封面,上海新华发行集团,上海书城杂志社有限公司,上海2021, Book Town, 2021.03, Magazine Cover, Shanghai
2022,《温柔如夜:康海涛的艺术》,展览画册图版第9图,马克·罗斯科艺术中心,陶格夫匹尔斯,拉脱维亚2022, Tender is the Night: the Art of Kang Haitao, in exhibition catalogue, plates.9, Daugavpils Mark Rothko Art Center, Latvia
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