Liu Zhan, Chinese, b.1976, Luoyang, Henan, China, Liu Zhan graduated from the Department of Sculpture at Central Academy of Fine Arts (CAFA) and established the art trio UNMASK in 2002. He lives and works in Beijing.


After leaving the artist trio UNMASK in 2011, Liu Zhan initiated a new artistic exploration as an independent artist, creating a series of installations based on his own research, which includes videos, prints, ready-mades, and sculptures. His exhibitions “The Mysteries of Animal Reproduction” and “Balcony” suggested that he attempted to pursue a new path of artistic creativity, that is, paying more attention to the scene. This way, the artist utilized and reflected on the spatial and historical dimensions of where his art projects were presented. The diversity and experimentality of his artistic expression, in addition to the internal and external multiplicity of the space, pushed the boundaries of the viewers’ experience to a degree.


Liu Zhan’s recent solo projects include Wind from “Southwest” at the Plate Space (2021), “Balcony” at DRC No.12 (2018), and “Liu Zhan: The Mysteries of Animal Production” at Magician Space (2017). His work has been exhibited at major collective exhibitions, which include “Futurism of the Past-Contemplating the Past and Future in Chinese Contemporary Art” at Inaugural Exhibition of the Culture and Art Hub of Beijing Exhibition Center (2021), “12 Artists: DRC Triennial” at DRC No.12 (2018), and “Emerging Curators Project 2015” at Shanghai’s Power Station of Art (2015).